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How to make Adverbs in Korean Easily

How to make Adverbs in Korean easy.

Adverbs in Korean
Adverbs in Korean

Adverbs in Korean


Korean adverbs (부사) are used to describe both a verb or an adjective. They operate pretty much the same as adverbs do in English and many other languages. Let's see how to easily make Korean Adverbs.

There are three ways to create an adverb in Korean.


This is used to turn an adjective into an adverb. "히" is added to adjectives that end in "-하다".

Take the ending "-하다" and replace it with "히".

Example: 대단하다 (adjective - to be great)

Changes to 대단히 (greatly)

오늘 대단히 즐거웠어요.

I greatly enjoyed our time today.

However not all adjectives use "히" , if the adjective ends (batching) with the consonant "ㅅ" then you can simply put "ㅣ" instead of "히".

Example: 깨끗하다 (to be clean)

changes to 깨끗이 (cleanly)

솔직히 - honestly, frankly

열심히 - zealously

완전히 - completely

천천히 - slowly

끔끔히 - carefully


With "-게" you can also turn an adjective into an adverb. You will keep the stem and drop the "다" portion of the word.

Example: 크다 (adjective) big

Changes to 크게 = in a big manner.

Some Korean adjectives that end in "하다" can be changed to either "히, ㅣ , 게". You will have to memorize these.


분명하다 - 분명히

깨끗하다 - 깨끗이

건조하다 - 건조하게

나쁘게 - badly

늦게 - late

무례하게 - rudely

바쁘게 - busily

안전하게 - safely


When used with an adjective you can create an adverb. -으로 adverbs translate to "in some way, or manner." It is used with adjectives that end with "-적".

You do not need to remove "적" simply add "-으로" to the end of the word.

Example: 일반적 = general

Changes to 일반적으로 = generally

일반적으로 말하면…

Generally speaking...

열정적으로 - enthusiastically

전적으로 - completely

의도적으로 - intentionally

본능적으로 - instinctively

상대적으로 - relatively

Adverbs of Frequency

빈도 부사

For these words you will need to just memorize them as many of them do not follow the above mentioned rules.

Adverbs of Frequency in Korean
Adverbs of Frequency in Korean

Korean adverbs of frequency can be used in different locations in a sentence but they must come before the verb.


I always drink milk.

저는 우유를 항상 마셔요.

저는 항상 우유를 마셔요.

항상 저는 우유를 마셔요.

This also goes for verbs that end in 하다.

The 하다 verbs can be split between the noun and 하다 placing the adverb in between. For example the word exercise is 운동하다. The noun 운동 (exercise) and the verb 하다 (to do).

I always exercise.

저는 항상 운동해요.

저는 운동을 항상 해요.

In the second example 항상 the adverb, appears after the noun "exercise" 운동 followed by the object marking particle "을". (을/를)

Some adverbs of frequency contain "안".

Such as 거의 안 (rarely).

The sentence structure then must follow this pattern: Noun(을/를) + 거의 안 + Verb

저는 우유를 거의 안 마셔요. - I rarely drink milk.

저는 운동을 거의 안 해요. - I rarely exercise.

always 항상 always 언제나

all the time 내내

daily 나날이

daily 일일

usually, normally 보통

frequently, often 자주

occasionally 가끔

sometimes 때때로

seldom 좀처럼

never 결코

annually 매년

soon, instantly

eventually 결국

hourly 매 시

nightly 밤마다

weekly 주간

monthly 매월

yearly 매년

already 이미 already 벌써

at long last 드디어

before 전에

earlier 앞선

early 일찍

finally 마침네

lately 최근에

previously 이전에

recently 최근에

still 아직도

yet 아직

generally 일반적으로

periodic 주기적

regularly 주기적으로

chronically 고질적으로

rarely, sparsely 드물게

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of Time in Korean
Adverbs of Time in Korean

Now 지금

이제 = Now

그때 = Then

오늘 = Today

내일 =Tomorrow

오늘밤 = Tonight

어제 = Yesterday

기후 = Afterwards

나중에 = Later

Korean Adverbs of Degree – 정도부사

아주, 매우 = very

완전히 = perfectly

단순히 = simply

엄청 = enormously

불과 = only

절대로 = Absolutely, completely

정말(로) / 진짜(로) / 참(으로) = really

특히 = in particular

상당히 = fairly

Korean Adverbs of Manner – 양태부사

좋게 = well

나쁘게 = badly

귀엽게 = cutely

아름답게 = beautifully

비싸게 = expensively

맛있게 = deliciously

크게 = largely

길게 = lengthily

짧게 = shortly

넓게 = widely

작게 = little

To learn more about Adverbs in Korean, check out one of my favorite online courses from Go Billy Korean. Billy's online courses, and material are my absolute favorite.


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