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Saying Hello in Korean; Likes & Dislikes

Writer's picture: Alexandrea <3Alexandrea <3

My study notes on greetings, saying "hello" in Korean, as well as how to express your likes and dislikes. Articles, plurals, and simple sentences in Korean.

Most of my notes are based on the Korean Made Simple books by Go Billy Korean

CLICK HERE to get the books

As well as Pimsleur Korean

CLICK HERE to visit Pimsleur

Saying Hello

A- 안녕하세요

B- 안녕하세요

A- 저는 알렉스입니다

B- 저는 찰수입니다

A- 마나서 반갑습니다

B- 네, 반갑습니다

A- 안녕히 가세요

B- 안녕히 계세요


A- 안녕하세요 Hello

B- 안녕하세요 Hello

A- 저는 알렉스입니다 I am Alex.

B- 저는 찰수입니다 I am Chul-soo.

A- 마나서 반갑습니다 I's nice to meet you.

B- 네, 반갑습니다 Yes, nice to meet you.

A- 안녕히 가세요 Goodbye (go in peace, said to a person leaving).

B- 안녕히 계세요 Goodbye (stay in peace, said to a person staying).



저 "I or me" 는 - Topic marker, means "this is what we are going to be talking about now"

저는 - "we will be talking about me now"

입니다 - means "am" or "is" or "are" - "I am, he/she is, you are"

Used with 저는 it means "I am"

Attach 입니다 after a noun such as a name, it will only appear at the end of a sentence.

만나서 반갑습니다

만나서 comes from the verb 만나다 which means to meet.

반갑습니다 comes from the verb 반갑다 which means "to be glad"

Together it means that you are glad to be meeting someone. You can leave off 만나서 but it's more polite to say it. Has the same meaning with or without it.

처음 뵙겠습니다 - is a more formal way to say "nice to meet you." It's less commonly used.

Do you speak Korean/English?

영어 하세요? - “Do you speak English?”

한국말 하세요? - “Do you speak Korean?”

영어 못 해요. - “I can’t speak English.” 한국말 못 해요. - “I can’t speak Korean.” 아니요, 못 해요. - “No I can’t.”

조금요. - “A little.”

Where are you from?

미국에서 오셨어요? - “Did you come from America?”

미국에서 왔습니다. “I came from America.“

에서 - “from”

How are you?

어떻게 지내세요? - “How are you?”

요새 어떻게 지냈어요. - “How have you been recently?”

괜찮아요. - “I’m fine.”

고마워요. - “Thank you.” Less formal

전 괜찮아요. - “I’m okay.”

잘 지내요. -“I’m great.”

졸려요. -”I’m sleepy.“

기분이 별로예요. -“I’m feeling bad.”

나쁘지 않아요. - “I’m not bad.”

너는? - “And you?”

저도 잘 지내요. - “I’m fine too.”

물어봐 줘서 고마워요. - “Thank you for asking.”

Likes and Dislikes

A: 저는 피구를 좋아합니다.

B: 저는 수영을 싫어합니다.


A: 저는 피구를 좋아합니다. - I like dodge ball.

B: 저는 수영을 싫어합니다. - I don't like swimming.


좋아합니다 - "I like"

사랑합니다 - "I love"

싫어합니다 - "I dislike"


을 / 를 - These are object marking particles. They come at the end of the object of the sentence. An object is what receives the action of the verb.

를 - used after an object that ends in a vowel

을 - used after an object that ends in a consonant


In Korean the verb comes at the end of the sentence. The object comes before the verb in the sentence.


저는 - "I"

If a pronoun can be easily guessed or implied, it can be omitted from a sentence. Pronouns are only used if necessary. Once it is clear who you are talking about you can omit the pronoun. No need to add it to every sentence.

Simple Sentences

Korean Sentence Structure

English: SVO - Subject Verb Object -I(S) like(V) food(O).

Korean: SOV - Subject Object Verb - I(S) food(O) eat(V).

Chart made by yours truly (me)


In Korean adverbs are placed directly before the verb. Sometimes adverbs can come after a verb in casual conversation, it is more clear to keep it before the verb.


저는 알렉스를 좋아합니다. - I like Alex.

저는 철수를 더 좋아합니다. - I like Choolsu more.

저는 수자를 덜 좋아합니다. - I like Suzy less.

더 - "more" 덜 - "less"

Chart made by yours truly (me)


In English we show plurals. Example "I like cats." In Korean using plurals is optional. Only use a plural when you need to emphasize that something is plural.

Korean: 저는(I) 고양이(cat) 좋아합니다(like). It can men both cat or cats.

If you do need to emphasize that something is plural: Noun+들

Add 들 at the end of any noun.

Example: 고양이"cats" Mostly you will not need to add 들.

You wouldn't say: 저는 고영이들을 좋아합니다. It's not necessary. "Cats" is already implied.

To refer to people in general it is acceptable to say "사람들"


English: "a, an, the"

Korean does not have articles.

1 Comment

Alexandrea <3
Alexandrea <3
May 01, 2021


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