My study notes on how to say "I want" and "I don't want in Korean, "Please give me", and verb stems. Particles -도 & -만

I want, I don't want
There are two ways to say "I want" in Korean. It all depends if you're using a noun or a verb.
Want: Noun + 을/를(object marking particle) 원합니다.
Don't want: Noun + 을/를(object marking particle) 원하지 않습니다.
Examples: 저는 음식을 원합니다. - I want food.
저는 음식을 원하지 않습니다. - I don't want food.
Want to: Verb Stem + 고 싶습니다.
Don't want to: Verb Stem + 고 싶지 않습니다.
Examples: 저는 과일을 먹고 십습니다. - I want to eat fruit.
저는 과일을 먹고 싶지 않습니다. - I don't want to eat fruit.
* These forms can only be used when talking about yourself, or whomever you are directly speaking to. Cannot refer to "he/she."

Chart made my myself to help find the verb stem of a verb.
Please give me...
Noun + (을/를) 주세요.
Example: 과일을 주세요. - Please give me fruit.
Particles -도 & -만
저도 - Me too
도 - "also, even, too" Replaces 는 in 저는. The meaning changes based on where you place the 도. It emphasizes "also, too, even" the noun or pronoun it follows.
Examples: 저도 과일을 좋아합니다. - I also like fruit. (others might like fruit). I also want fruit just like you do.
저는 과일도 좋아합니다. I like fruit too. (I might also like other things). I want fruit in addition to the other things I want.
만 - works similar to 도. It comes after a noun. It replaces the previous particle that was already there., but not the object marker. You can replace if you want.
Example: 저만 좋아합니다. - Only I like it.
저는 과일만 원합니다. - I want fruit only.
Original sentence: 저는 과일을 원합니다. I want fruit.
You can keep or omit the object marker if you want. Example: 저는 과일만을 원합니다. I only want fruit.
Example sentences:
저도 김지만 먹고 싶습니다. - I also want to only eat kimchi. 저도 고영이를 원합니다. - I also want a cat. 저는 차도 원합니다. - I want tea too. 저는 과일을 좋아합니다. 저는 바나나를 덜 좋아합니다.
I like fruit. I like bananas less. 저는 바나나만 먹고 싶지 않습니다.
I don’t want to only eat bananas. 저는 포도만 원하지 않습니다.
I don’t want only grapes.
자동차를 주세요 - Please get me a car.
하지만 - however , but. Used only at the start of a sentence.